crystal initial.cif ! CIF file for the initial structure
symmetry 1 ! 0: not symmetrize displacements of the atoms or 1: symmetrize
md_mode_cell 3 ! cell-relaxation method
! 0: FIRE, 2: quenched MD, or 3: RFC5
number_max_relax_cell 1000 ! max. number of the cell relaxation
number_max_relax 1 ! max. number of the atom relaxation
max_displacement 0.1 ! max. displacement of atoms in Bohr
external_stress_v 0.0 0.0 0.0 ! external pressure in GPa
th_force 5d-5 ! convergence threshold for the force in Hartree a.u.
th_stress 5d-7 ! convergence threshold for the stress in Hartree a.u.
force_field 1 ! force field
! 1: Stillinger-Weber for Si, 2: Tsuneyuki potential for SiO2,
! 3: ZRL for Si-O-N-H, 4: ADP for Nd-Fe-B, 5: Jmatgen, or
! 6: Lennard-Jones