CrySPY_ID in job files

In the job file of CrySPY, the string “CrySPY_ID” is automatically replaced with the structure ID. When you use a job scheduler such as PBS and SLURM, it is useful to set the structure ID to the job name. For example, in the PBS system, #PBS -N Si_CrySPY_ID in ID 10 is replaced with #PBS -N Si_10. Note that starting with a number will result in an error. You should add a prefix like Si_.

#$ -cwd
#$ -V -S /bin/bash
####$ -V -S /bin/zsh
#$ -N Si8_CrySPY_ID
#$ -pe smp 8
####$ -q ibis1.q
####$ -q ibis2.q

mpirun -np $NSLOTS pw.x -nk 4 -nb 2 < > pwscf.out

if [ -e "CRASH" ]; then
    exit 1

sed -i -e '3 s/^.*$/done/' stat_job