Restriction on interatomic distances
2024 April 23, updated
You can restrict the interatomic distance in structure generation. Here is an example of [structure] section in the input file to limit minimum interatomic distance for a A-B binary system.
natot = 8
atype = A B
nat = 4 4
mindist_1 = 2.0 1.8
mindist_2 = 1.8 1.5
This means that minimum interatomic distances of A-A, A-B, and B-B are limited to 2.0, 1.8, and 1.5 Å, respectively. Structures with interatomic distances shorter than these values are automatically eliminated.
For ternary systems, you will need mindist_1
, mindist_2
, and mindist_3
Mindist matrix must be a symmetric matrix.
Example: Na8Cl8
Without mindist
algo = RS
calc_code = VASP
tot_struc = 5
nstage = 2
njob = 2
jobcmd = qsub
jobfile = job_cryspy
natot = 16
atype = Na Cl
nat = 8 8
kppvol = 40 80
[2024-04-23 13:46:28,598][cryspy_init][INFO]
Start CrySPY 1.2.3
[2024-04-23 13:46:28,598][cryspy_init][INFO] # ---------- Read input file,
[2024-04-23 13:46:28,598][read_input][INFO] Save input data in cryspy.stat
[2024-04-23 13:46:28,599][gen_init_struc][INFO] # ------ mindist
[2024-04-23 13:46:28,601][struc_util][INFO] Na - Na: 1.66
[2024-04-23 13:46:28,602][struc_util][INFO] Na - Cl: 1.3399999999999999
[2024-04-23 13:46:28,602][struc_util][INFO] Cl - Cl: 1.02
In the default settings of PyXtal, atoms can sometimes be too close to each other, as shown in the figure above, so it is recommended to set the mindist parameter. That would help simplify DFT calculations.
With mindist
algo = RS
calc_code = VASP
tot_struc = 5
nstage = 2
njob = 2
jobcmd = qsub
jobfile = job_cryspy
natot = 16
atype = Na Cl
nat = 8 8
mindist_1 = 2.5 1.5
mindist_2 = 1.5 2.5
kppvol = 40 80
[2024-04-23 14:06:21,955][cryspy_init][INFO]
Start CrySPY 1.2.3
[2024-04-23 14:06:21,955][cryspy_init][INFO] # ---------- Read input file,
[2024-04-23 14:06:21,956][read_input][INFO] Save input data in cryspy.stat
[2024-04-23 14:06:21,956][gen_init_struc][INFO] # ------ mindist
[2024-04-23 14:06:21,956][struc_util][INFO] Na - Na: 2.5
[2024-04-23 14:06:21,956][struc_util][INFO] Na - Cl: 1.5
[2024-04-23 14:06:21,956][struc_util][INFO] Cl - Cl: 2.5
In cases like ionic crystals, it is advisable to set up the configuration in such a way that cations and anions are kept apart from each other.