[structure] section

2024 May 22, updated

struc_modecrystal, mol, mol_bscrystalStructure generation mode
natotintThe total number of atoms.
atypeatomic symbol [atomic symbol …]Atom type. e.g. atype = Na Cl.
natint [int …]The number of atoms in each atom type. e.g. nat = 8 8.
mindist (mindist_?)float [float …]NoneConstraint on minimum interatomic distance [Å].
mindist_factorfloat1.0Scaling factor for mindist.
vol_factorfloat1.0Minimum and maximum values of volume factor.
vol_mufloatNoneMean of volume if you want specify the volume of cells.
vol_sigmafloatNoneStandard deviation of volume if you want specify the volume of cells.
symprecfloat0.01Precision for symmetry finding.
spgnumall, space group number, 0allConstraint on space group. If all, 1–230. If 0, random structure without space group information (no symmetry).
use_find_wyboolFalseStructure generation with find_wy.


if algo is EA-vc (EA-vc is still beta version)

ll_natint [int …]Lower limit of nat. e.g. ll_nat = 1 1.
ul_natint [int …]Upper limit of nat. e.g. ul_nat = 8 8.

if struc_mode is mol or mol_bs

mol_filestr [str …]Path of molecule files or molecule names.
nmolint [int …]The number of molecules.
timeout_molfloatNoneTime out for molecular structure generation.
rot_molrandom, random_mol, random_wyckoffrandom_wyckoffOnly used in mol_bs. Mode for rotation of molecules.
nrotint20Only used in mol_bs. Maximum number of trials to rotate molecules.
mindist_mol_bs (mindist_mol_bs_?)float [float …]NoneOnly used in mol_bs. Constraint on minimum intermolecular distance [Å].
mindist_mol_bs_factorfloat1.0Only used in mol_bs. Scaling factor for mindist_mol_bs.

if use_find_wy is True or spgnum = 0

fwpathstrNoneOnly used with find_wy. Path of find_wy. If None, fwpath is automatically searched in your $PATH.
minlenfloatOnly used with find_wy or spgnum = 0. Minimum length of lattice vector [Å].
maxlenfloatOnly used with find_wy or spgnum = 0. Maximum length of lattice vector [Å].
danglefloatOnly used with find_wy or spgnum = 0. Delta angle for alpha, beta, and gamma in degree unit.
maxcntint50Only used with find_wy or spgnum = 0. Maximum number of trials to determine atom positions.