Energy step data

Energy step data is saved in energy_step_data.pkl if you set energy_step_flag = True in [option] section of NumPy library is required to analyze this data file.


energy_step_flag = True is currently available only with VASP, QE, and soiap.


In soiap, energy_step_data is collected only if loopa == 1. This is because other data (struc, force, and stress) are output only when loopa == 1. See,

Data format

  • type: dict
    • key: structure ID
    • value: list of energy step data in each stage
  • string form
    • {0: [array([-3.4439912 , -3.55040935, -3.66697038, ..]), array([-4.0613393 , -4.05445631, -4.06159641, …]), …],
      1: [array([-2.68209823, -2.69012487, -2.68364907, ..]), array([-2.79140967, -2.79183827, -2.79206508, …]), …],
  • unit of energy
    • eV/atom

How to access

import pickle
with open('energy_step_data.pkl', 'rb') as f:
    energy_step_data = pickle.load(f)

# energy_step_data[ID][stage][step]
# energy_step_data[ID][0] <-- stage 1
# energy_step_data[ID][1] <-- stage 2
# in LAQA
# energy_step_data[ID][selection][step]
# energy_step_data[ID][0] <-- 1st selection
# energy_step_data[ID][1] <-- 2nd selection

# ---------- energy step data of ID 3, stage 1
cid = 3      # ID
stage = 1    # stage
energy_step_data[cid][stage-1][:10]    # show only 10 enegies in jupyter
array([-3.4439912 , -3.55040935, -3.66697038, -3.77192063, -3.84320717,
       -3.80679245, -3.84633935, -3.87374706, -3.89123193, -3.90422926])