[structure] section

struc_modecrystal, mol, mol_bscrystalStructure generation mode
natotintThe total number of atoms.
atypeatomic symbol [atomic symbol …]Atom type. e.g. atype = Na Cl.
natint [int …]The number of atoms in each atom type. e.g. nat = 8 8.
mol_filestr [str …], NoneNonePath of molecule files or molecule names.
nmolint [int …], NoneNoneThe number of molecules.
timeout_molfloat120.0Time out for molecular structure generation.
rot_molrandom, random_mol, random_wyckoffrandom_wyckoffMode for rotation of molecules.
nrotint20Maximum number of trials to rotate molecules in mol_bs
vol_factorfloat float1.0 1.0Minimum and maximum values of volume factor.
vol_mufloat, NoneNoneMean of volume if you want specify the volume of cells.
vol_sigmafloat, NoneNoneStandard deviation of volume if you want specify the volume of cells.
mindist (mindist_?)float [float …], NoneNoneConstraint on minimum interatomic distance [Å].
mindist_factorfloat1.0Scaling factor for mindist.
mindist_mol_bs (mindist_mol_bs_?)float [float …], NoneNoneConstraint on minimum intermolecular distance [Å].
mindist_mol_bs_factorfloat1.0Scaling factor for mindist_mol_bs.
symprecfloat,0.01Precision for symmetry finding.
spgnumall, space group number, 0allConstraint on space group. If all, 1–230. If 0, random structure without space group information (no symmetry).
use_find_wyboolFalseStructure generation with find_wy.
fwpathstr, NoneNonePath of find_wy
minlenfloat, NoneNoneOnly used with find_wy or spgnum = 0. Minimum length of lattice vector [Å].
maxlenfloat, NoneNoneOnly used with find_wy or spgnum = 0. Maximum length of lattice vector [Å].
danglefloat, NoneNoneOnly used with find_wy or spgnum = 0. Delta angle for alpha, beta, and gamma in degree unit.
maxcntint50Only used with find_wy or spgnum = 0. Maximum number of trials to determine atom positions.
