Random structure generation with MPI
Oct. 21 2023, update
First, see Tutorial > Random Search (RS) for basic usage of CrySPY.
- CrySPY or later - mpi4py
- MPI library (Open MPI, Intel MPI, MPICH, etc.)
1.1.0 <= CrySPY <=1.2.2 has a bug.
When you use bash (zsh) to run a job with MPI (e.g., jobcmd = zsh
, jobfile = job_cryspy
the MPI job does not run. There is no problem when you use a job scheduler (qsub, sbatch).
It has already fixed in version 1.2.3.
Install mpi4py if it is not already installed.
pip install mpi4py
is the same as normal usage and does not need to be changed.
Here we try structure generation with MPI using the following settings:
algo = RS
calc_code = soiap
tot_struc = 100
nstage = 1
njob = 2
jobcmd = zsh
jobfile = job_cryspy
natot = 8
atype = Si
nat = 8
soiap_infile = soiap.in
soiap_outfile = soiap.out
soiap_cif = initial.cif
All except tot_struc
, natot
, atype
, and nat
are irrelevant for structure generation and can be ignored here.
If you want to generate structures with 4 MPI processes, just use mpiexec -n
(with `-p`` option):
mpiexec -n 4 cryspy -p
In 1.1.0 <= CrySPY <= 1.2.2, use (without `-p`` option)
mpiexec -n 4 cryspy
If you submit the job with a job scheduler system, make the job file. Here is an example:
#$ -cwd
#$ -V -S /bin/bash
#$ -N n_nproc
#$ -pe smp 4
mpirun -np $NSLOTS ~/.local/bin/cryspy
Please edit the location of the executable script cryspy
CrySPY simply divides the task (number of structures) by the number of processes:
- Rank 0: IDs 0 – 24
- Rank 1: IDs 25 – 49
- Rank 2: IDs 50 – 74
- Rank 3: IDs 75 – 99
CrySPY outputs the log in the order they are generated as follows:
2023/04/24 22:47:51
CrySPY 1.1.0
Start cryspy.py
Number of MPI processes: 4
Read input file, cryspy.in
Save input data in cryspy.stat
# --------- Generate initial structures
# ------ mindist
Si - Si 1.11
Structure ID 25 was generated. Space group: 138 --> 123 P4/mmm
Structure ID 75 was generated. Space group: 99 --> 99 P4mm
Structure ID 0 was generated. Space group: 127 --> 123 P4/mmm
Structure ID 1 was generated. Space group: 61 --> 61 Pbca
Structure ID 50 was generated. Space group: 38 --> 38 Amm2
Structure ID 51 was generated. Space group: 134 --> 123 P4/mmm
Structure ID 26 was generated. Space group: 111 --> 123 P4/mmm
Structure ID 2 was generated. Space group: 9 --> 9 Cc
Structure ID 3 was generated. Space group: 80 --> 80 I4_1
Structure ID 4 was generated. Space group: 107 --> 107 I4mm
Structure ID 5 was generated. Space group: 75 --> 75 P4
Structure ID 76 was generated. Space group: 108 --> 108 I4cm
Structure ID 77 was generated. Space group: 100 --> 100 P4bm
Structure ID 27 was generated. Space group: 207 --> 221 Pm-3m
However, the order in init_POSCARS
is by structure ID since CrySPY outputs after all structures have been generated.
2.9636956737951818 0.0000000000000002 0.0000000000000002
0.0000000000000000 2.9636956737951818 0.0000000000000002
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 6.2634106638053080
-0.1602734164607877 -0.1602734164607877 -0.0000000000000000 Si
0.1602734164607877 0.1602734164607877 0.5000000000000000 Si
0.6602734164607877 0.3397265835392123 0.7500000000000000 Si
0.3397265835392122 0.6602734164607877 0.2500000000000000 Si
0.4469739273741755 0.4469739273741755 -0.0000000000000000 Si
0.5530260726258245 0.5530260726258244 0.5000000000000000 Si
0.0530260726258245 0.9469739273741754 0.7500000000000000 Si
0.9469739273741754 0.0530260726258245 0.2500000000000000 Si
7.2751506682509657 0.0000000000000004 0.0000000000000004
0.0000000000000000 7.2751506682509657 0.0000000000000004
0.0000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 5.1777634169924873
-0.3845341807505553 -0.3845341807505553 0.4999999999999999 Si
0.3845341807505553 0.3845341807505553 0.5000000000000000 Si
0.3845341807505553 -0.3845341807505553 0.0000000000000000 Si
-0.3845341807505553 0.3845341807505553 -0.0000000000000000 Si
0.0000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 0.2500000000000000 Si
0.5000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.7500000000000000 Si
0.0000000000000000 0.5000000000000000 0.7500000000000000 Si
0.5000000000000000 0.0000000000000000 0.2500000000000000 Si
-4.3660398676292269 -4.3660398676292269 0.0000000000000000
-4.3660398676292269 -0.0000000000000003 -4.3660398676292269
0.0000000000000000 -4.3660398676292269 -4.3660398676292269
0.8700001548800920 0.8700001548800920 0.1299998451199080 Si
0.1299998451199080 0.1299998451199080 0.8700001548800920 Si
0.8700001548800920 0.1299998451199080 0.8700001548800920 Si
0.1299998451199080 0.8700001548800920 0.1299998451199080 Si
0.1299998451199080 0.8700001548800920 0.8700001548800920 Si
0.8700001548800920 0.1299998451199080 0.1299998451199080 Si
0.7500000000000000 0.7500000000000000 0.7500000000000000 Si
0.2500000000000000 0.2500000000000000 0.2500000000000000 Si
Except for the random structure generation part, there is no point in using MPI because it is not parallelized.